Friday, August 22, 2014

Registration now open for 2015! have plans for August 7,8 and 9, 2015? Want to go for a little walk?

Registration is now open for the 2015 3-Day for the Cure event series, with Michigan scheduled to walk in early August 2015.

You can register now for only $35, the lowest price of the season. Do it now -- this offer ends December 4.

What can you expect in 2015? 
Well, as the top Fundraising Team in 2014, the BC Babes have set the bar high for 2015. We're hoping to achieve the trifecta: Honors for the Largest Team, Top Fundraising Team and Top Training Walk Leader. While we're at it, we'll also go for "Team That Has Most Fun!" (Oh wait, that's not a real category. But if it was, we'd have that one too!)

Register today to be a BC Babe in 2015!

Monday, August 18, 2014

2014 3-Day: Another 60 miles done and $103,190 raised!

What happens when you combine three days of sunshine, mellow temperatures and a small army of smiling (and dancing) walkers? It's the 3-Day, and the BC Babes rocked the 2014 Michigan 3-Day for the Cure!

Day 1 started with an emotional Opening Ceremony at the Suburban Collection. BC Babes Sandra Scarcella was honored to carry the "My Friend" flag, Dorothy Twinney stood strong in the Survivors' Circle, and Beth Northman displayed a photograph of Sr. Carol Juhasz, a former BC Babe.

The route took us 22 miles through the amazing and supportive communities of Novi, Farmington and Farmington Hills, with appearances by our favorite walker stalkers Ian Mendel (unofficial team photographer), Medicine Man (aka Stony Creek man or Soft Hands Man), the Dancing Lady (Kathy) and our favorite cheering station, hosted by BC Babes friends and family. Camp activities were highlighted with Tony and his new friend from Chicago showing off a few slick moves.

Day 2 wound through Northville and Plymouth, including a stop at Kellogg Park, one of the best community supporters of the 3-Day in the country. With the fountain dyed pink and hordes of supporters hanging out to cheer walkers on, the town turned out to support the 3-Day.

Our route took us another 22 miles (or 23 depending on your GPS, but hey, those are Komen miles), and deposited us at camp weary and worn, but ready for the dance party and cupcake tower we earned as top Fundraising Team in Michigan.

Day 3 started with a brief bus ride to Livonia (thankfully our co-captains knew the way, since our bus driver didn't), where we took off for another 16 miles through the neighborhoods of Livonia and Dearborn. We ended our trek at Ford World Headquarters, where the Babes walked into closing doing the BC Babes Boogie.

The closing ceremony was incredibly moving, with Sandra holding the "My Friend" flag on stage with Dorothy Moon by her side, and Dorothy Twinney standing among the Survivors on stage.

You can view a fabulous video from a walker stalker perspective, created by Ian Mendel (walker, 2013), and check out photos from the Babes on route, in our public Facebook album.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Meeting Recap!

We had a great meeting last night, it was so nice to see those of you that I haven’t seen all winter! In addition to “newbies” George King and Sara Pokas, we also had Laura Hawes join us. Laura got my name thru Jen Frederick and emailed to say she was looking for a team. I invited her to walk with us last night and to sit in on the team meeting to see if she wanted to join the Babes. Thank you all for making her feel so welcome!

I’ve attached the training walk schedule in case some of you didn’t receive one. I’ve got a pretty busy summer so there may be days I don’t post, but be assured that the team will still be walking. The weather is getting really nice so come out and join us.

Heather has started up a blog. Now, you all know me and computers, so she’s going to be handling this for the team. Sounds like a great idea. Apparently she can take what I email about the meeting and put it on the blog so you guys can check it out and add comments. This is going to be a great new way for us to communicate as a team.
The blog site is: just click on the link or copy and paste the web address into your browser.

We’re going to once again put together a team 3 Day Gear order to help us all save on shipping. Check out the gear store and see if there’s anything you’d like to order. As in the past, email your order to Heather, she’ll place the order and let everyone know when it comes in. Shipping will be divided between those that have ordered and you can pay when you pick up your stuff. You’ve got to have your order to us no later than Friday, April 16th.

Team fundraisers were discussed. These have been very successful in past years, but last year not so much. We’re looking for new ideas as well as using the old tried and true.

Beth (Robinson) Milne has once again volunteered to check into a euchre fundraiser at Total Sports.

We need a new spot for the spaghetti dinner if we want to go ahead with that. I’ll start calling around to see if I can find a place. If anyone has suggestions of a place to call please let me know!

The bowling fundraisers we’ve had in the past have been successful, but last year our attendance was way down. We were fortunate that Total Sports only charged us for the bowlers we had attend since they normally charge for a minimum of 80 and we only had about 50. We’ll have to see if we can sell the tickets to make this profitable before this one is a go.

We’ll definitely have the car wash this year. Tina can get the Walgreen’s at 21 and Card again and can possibly get us at the TCF Bank in Macomb. Karin offered to see if the bank at the corner of 16/Crocker will let us have one there, too. Beth Milne brought up the very good suggestion that if we can have multiple car washes it will help out the team because this is the one thing that we don’t have to invite friends and family. We go to them so much with the other fundraiser that it’s nice to have one where we don’t have to do that, just wait for the public to come!

Bunco – Karin has been very successful in her personal fundraising this year having bunco parties. She said these are very easy to put together, it’s a fun easy to learn game and it’s something different. You can have them at your home or in halls, etc. She and Anne had one last year at a Biggbe Coffee and said it was very successful. They had about 24 players and got extra donations from people coming into the coffee shop, asking what they were doing and donating. I would love to try this. Let us know if there’s enough interest that we want to pursue this as a new idea.

As always, we need FEEDBACK!!! Can you help out with any of the fundraisers? Do you have some place we can check for spaghetti dinner, car wash, Bunco? I think the blog will be a great place to keep track of this stuff.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Training Tip of the Week: Foot Care - Shoes and Socks

Proper shoe and sock selection before the event is key to keeping your feet healthy and preventing blisters and other problems with your feet. Buy shoes at the end of the day when your feet are a little swollen and ensure that your shoes are the correct size and fit the architecture of your foot. Have your foot measured for length and width for proper fit.

The Wonders of a Walking Shoe

As you train for the Komen 3-Day for the Cure, you may want shoes designed specifically for walking.

Walkers have a unique stride and will want to look for shoes that help guide the foot properly from heel strike to toe off.

Walkers experience 50% less impact than runners yet need cushioning when other athletes don’t. Walking shoes with thinner midsoles may offer the cushioning you need in the heel and forefoot.

Walkers need a more flexible shoe that can bend easily in the forefoot and generate the power to propel you forward with each stride.

It is recommended that you plan to get two pairs of shoes for training and two pairs that have been “broken-in” four to six weeks in advance of the Komen 3-Day for the Cure event itself.

Choosing the Right Socks

Choose a sock that pulls moisture away from your feet. Synthetic socks such as “Coolmax” or “Dryfit,” or wool socks are better than pure cotton for keeping your feet dry. Try wearing two socks or double-layered socks. Make sure that the socks fit well and don’t bunch up in any areas. Plan on changing to clean, dry socks halfway through the day. Plan on two pairs of clean, dry socks for each day of the event. If your socks are still wet, try foot powder or spraying your feet with antiperspirant.

Use powders that are especially designed for feet. Cornstarch has a sugar base and may not be a good choice if you are prone to fungal infections or athlete’s foot. You also may try Glide or Vaseline to help prevent friction.

If you mention at Hanson's Running Shop that you are a 3 Day walker they will give you a 10% discount!

Training Tip of the Week: Your Training Program

Training for an endurance event like the Komen 3-Day for the Cure involves three things:

• Developing muscular strength and endurance
• Building cardiovascular fitness
• Experimenting with exercise gear, diet and fluids

Muscular strength and endurance is exercise specific. Walking is not the same as running; your feet hit the ground further back on your heel with your toe higher in the air and then you roll farther off the toes with each stride. Runners may never develop the arch support or mid foot strength needed by a walker. Your brain needs to learn which muscles to use and your body needs to develop the strength to walk. Not just for one mile but for 20 miles. Nothing trains you better functionally for walking than walking itself.

Cardiovascular activity can be developed with any aerobic activity. Cross-training has been included to decrease injury while building muscular strength and cardiovascular fitness. This can include cycling, swimming, rollerblading, Pilates or any whole body physical activity.

Experimenting with walking shoes vs. running shoes, socks, waistpacks, backpacks, shorts vs. tights, etc. is an essential part of training to prevent blisters, chafing and injury. Walking while drinking sports drink, practicing pre-event, on-event and post-event routines for diet and especially fluid management is very individual and may require trial and error.

Your suggested training program allows for all three components of training. Cross-training to build your fitness, many long walks to experiment with equipment and diet, and, most importantly, a graduated increase in walking mileage. Note the moderate intensity training days where you can add periods of increased speed or hills to increase your endurance.

As you train, it is important to listen to your body. Often injuries, strains or areas of inflammation may not show up for 1-2 days after a training session. This program is only a guide, try to do as much as you can, but please do so safely.